Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars finally launched yesterday

The subsequent iteration of Darkfall is underway! Aventurine today announced that Darkfalls Unholy Wars has finally released after a number of delays along with a lengthy beta. The sandbox MMO is a complete revamp of the original Darkfall with quite a few new features, & it demands the purchase of a client plus a subscription fee to play.

Aventurine General Manager Tasos Flambouras seems relieved to have reached this stage: "After 5 months of beta we are pleased to launch Darkfall Unholy Wars. We are thankful to our playtesters for their contribution to the game & we're happy to have them with us as players today. Darkfall Unholy Wars is the correct combat MMORPG experience & our pledge is that it will continue improving & pushing the PvP envelope."

Here you can also receive the cheapest Darkfall Unholy Wars gold, the warmest service and fastest delivery in our site. The newly weapon, material and suits, all the items you want we will try our best to provide you.

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Sunday, April 14, 2013

See you in Darkfall Unholy Wars tomorrow

  From the official news, Darkfall Unholy Wars is looking forward to being released tomorrow. And the entire beta has ended after several tests, looking forward to launching on Tuesday. See you in-game.

 Order some Darkfall Unholy Wars gold to prepare for the coming game and improve your equipment soon.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

New features of Darkfall Unholy Wars are revealed

Aventurine has revealed particulars for two significant new features of Darkfall Unholy Wars. These features involve the new Darkfall Unholy Wars character progression approach and salvaging skill.

The new character progression strategy for Darkfall Unholy Wars is determined by Prowess Points. A Darkfall Unholy Wars gold player's Prowess is a representation of their accumulated experiences, victories and achievements. Most interactions with the world reward players with Prowess. Harvesting, crafting, killing monsters, completing feats, participating in capturing villages, & numerous other activities, reward players with prowess point.

Spending Prowess is the only way for players to enhance their attributes, combat, and harvesting skills.

This new procedure is useful for the reason that it rewards players for playing the game, rather than "grinding" repetitive activities, & it is a result of player feedback and Aventurine developer interaction with the beta testers.

Salvaging skill is basically the reverse of the crafting abilities; it takes a crafted item and breaks it down to the raw materials used in its construction. Salvaging is classified as 1 of the crafting skills. Salvaging is also a long-time Darkfall gold player request and it was completely implemented during the beta process.

Read More Here:



Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars update patch for April 9th

  Darkfall Unholy Wars is going to have a patch, and at this patch, feedback from the testers during the beta period will be taken into consideration.

  The goal of this patch is to make the Darkfall Unholy Wars game more fun to play, especially at close range.

  They have substantially reduced the cost of several warrior skills, as well as reduced some casting times to make affected skills more reactionary, while re-balancing their cool-downs.

  And the philosophy of some movement skills also is changed. Stampede is now intended to be used as more of an approach to melee range skill. Then a charge and knock-back one. Dash was modified accordingly.

  As the warrior was giving a boost so that some changes need to be made to other roles in order to maintain balance.

  The Elementalist has received a buff in the DPS output, by reducing casting times, costs and, in some cases, cool-downs A bigger change was made to Static Field, making it a more important skill, and worthy of its Ultimate title. Lesser modifications were made to the skirmisher, as it has turned to be a very good long range DPS role, and specifically to Dash duration, Heightened Reflexes, as well as some other skills.

  Primalists have been also boosted accordingly.

  Finally, all roles will receive a small buff in their vital stat pools, and also expect a buff in the Transfer spells.

  What do you think of this, do you want to have a look at the game at once? Then keep focus on DFUW gold, once the game open, we will tell you immediately.

Monday, April 8, 2013

With dungeons being added sometime after launch...

Are you going to have a test server for players to test them? Otherwise dependent upon the past 2 missed launch dates that implies if they are not tested & you put them in we all know what will happen. They will be exploited thanks to no testing plus the clans lucky adequate to find the exploit first will put them on lockdown...

How about we just go with it and see what occurs. It is what AV intends to do, they're the devs & they will bear the consequences of launch.

Equally, we the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold players ought to attempt to keep away from negativity in the coming weeks. We know it is gonna be a bumpy ride but try not to let your rage make it any bumpier.

I, for one, want this game to be a accurate success.

I don't think "asking tough questions" at this late stage is going to make any difference to the decision by AV to bring in dungeons after launch. These sorts of post just come across as whiney.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars: Patch Notes April 5 - Beta

Since the NDA is off, I'm crossposting patch notes here. This was a darkfall unholy wars gold patch to mainly address the crosshair wobble system we were using so far. After tester feedback on how this wasn't working for them, we redesigned the functionality and implemented it.

Changes / Additions:

Update: We've added a "Sell 10 Wood to Vendor" feat, that rewards you with 50.000 Prowess Points, for testing end-game PvP.

A new crosshair wobble system is now in place. The longer you hold your arrow or spell, the more accuracy you gain. Skirmishers have an accuracy bonus (shorter time required to full accuracy) when using their bows, while Elementalists and Primalists have the same bonus when using their staves.

Teleport skills (House recall, Bindstone Recall, Runestone using, Summon friend) are no longer available while in a dungeon.

Changed the HUD fadeout to only fadeout the target-related visual components

Reduced the radius of the safe areas.

Added a visual indicator in the map for the safe areas that can be toggled on/off from the map filters.

Changed it so when a player successfully salvages an item, the resources they receive will be added to their inventory in the same location/bag that the salvaged item was removed from; be it the inventory root, a bag, a “salvage bag” or a bag within a “salvage bag”

New sounds for casting Deadeye school abilities.

New sounds for dfuw gold Player Weapons Sheathe/Unsheathe

New sounds for Primalist Spells

New sounds for On Screen Messaging

New Earthquake Monster Spell

Changed descriptions of Spirit Bond and Wall of righteous force

Changed description of treasure maps

Changed descriptions of all attributes


Fix for a bug where player animation stuck to "falling" if using evade skill right after another skill is performed.

Fix for a bug that would cause some monsters not to use their secondary attack animation.

Fix for a bug that would not play some sounds in the starting tutorial inside the dragon cave.

Fix for Consecrate animations not displaying correctly

Fix for animation de-sync when spamming the attack button.

Fix for players glitching when frame rate drops suddenly

Fix for observers not being able to see the correct animations of rune stone recall, while the player is trading.

Fix for a bug that made the player appear to slide after getting up from resting.

Fixes for player idle animations.

Fixed a bug where you could attain any “Craft 500 primalist robes” feat from any tier with only crafting 100.

Fix the “Harvest one of each Essences” feat

Fixed the “Craft a full Elegant Elementalist robes set” feat

Fixed a bug where Primalist robe crafting feats would be unlocked before they should.

Fixed Giants feat to take into account Ogres

Fix for default attacks not executed when having low stats

Players can open bags in trade window and scroll through it

Fixed a bug where the SFX of house recall skill would not stop if the skill was canceled

Fixed a bug where idle animation would play on character creator screen

Fixed client crash when a salvageable item is dragged to the left-menu bar

Fix for clan overview window not auto-refreshing when an issued/received mercenary contract is rejected/withdrawn

Fix for mercenary contract create window not showing any entries in the clan list (for counter-offer contracts)

Fix for pending mercenary contracts not being auto-expired when the clan joins the attackers side of the challenge

Fix for non-functional "cancel clan leave" option being visible for all clan members that viewed a leaving clan member's clan member overview window

Removed some on-screen notifications that were being obscured by the new on-screen animation special-effects (for conquests)

Fixed a bug where lines representing clan relations did not appear on the map

Fixed a bug where the “split item” window remained open after leaving gui mode.

Fix for client crash when an item is dragged past the crafting window and onto the left menu-bar

Fix for salvaging queue stopping performing when an item from a bag nested within the salvage bag is removed, and the bag is updated

Fix for salvaged broken items always being taken from the 1st stack encountered in the inventory, not necessarily the stack that was added to the salvaging queue

Fix for the possibility that multiple siege-stones can be spawned at the same location, by multiple players concurrently spamming the siege-stone item

Fix for the "minimum distance from other siege-stones" check passing, when the other siege-stone is spawning (and it's "position" is below ground)

Visual Changes:

Godrays were added as new visual effect. They can be toogled on/off from the Video Options Menu.

Dragon Armor has been visually updated.

Visual Changes to the Player, Monster, Fire Dragon and Ice Dragon tombstones and addition of a new loot-able effect

Visual and Level Improvements for the spawn points in Idawoll, Firun and Nerzok

Updated liquid surfaces (acid)

Various other visual optimizations

Starting Experience:

Changed some tooltips in the character creation screen.

The number of mobs on the tutorial area has been reduced, while at the same time it has been made easier for brand new players to progress through it.

Monday, February 25, 2013

AV makes macroing impossible for gains

And thanks to AV's new support site I can almost give away how WITHOUT breaking the NDA!

This was originally a community concept which gained much support & momentum as it was a small resolve which made a considerable amount of sense and completely abolished macroing from the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game.

This quote is as much as I can possibly tell you without breaking rules.
"Spending Prowess is the only method to improve your attributes, combat, and harvesting abilities. Crafting can only be improved by making use of the skill to effectively craft items."

So your claiming there wont be any more 24/7 macroing exploited mobs? & just how will they prosper doing that when no other DFUW gold game managed it?

Dont get me misguided, i would welcome this although i doubt they'll manage to essentially cease macroers/exploiters.
And for what i heard Aventurine already claimed they will allow macroing in DFUW? A modify of policy?

It wont prevent anything, it just makes it a little more difficult. Macro's and bot's are written for just about every process in every MMO and in the main may be.

The real scenario has at all times been AV's lack of action & stance towards macro's, and I dont see any of that having transformed...

Find Out More:






Friday, February 22, 2013

AV makes macroing impossible for gains

Thanks to AV's new support site I can in reality give away how WITHOUT breaking the NDA!

This was originally a community notion which gained much support and momentum as it was a little resolve which made a whole lot of sense & 100% abolished macroing from the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game.

This quote is as much as I can perhaps tell you without breaking rules.
"Investing Prowess is the only method to grow your attributes, combat, and harvesting capabilities. Crafting can only be improved by making use of the skill to productively craft items."

It wont prevent anything, it just makes it a tiny more difficult. Macro's and bot's are written for just about every job in every MMO and constantly may be.

The genuine predicament has nearly always been AV's lack of action and stance towards macro's, & I dont see any of that having altered...

So as a way to cease players from gaining capabilities by macroing, they'd have to make it so that one can not harvest, craft, kill monster, complete feats, steal, or do any of those other activities by macroing. To me it looks like macroing might be even worse than before, because if there is a single activity that is macroable you'll have the ability to level all your attributes, combat skill-sets and crafting capabilities just doing that 1 activity.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Darkfall not Aventurines principal project

InternetQ is pleased to announce its investment in Aventurine, an award-winning independent digital game development company

Aventurine is active in the exceptionally cost-effective online games business for 8 years now & has been focusing on the online huge multiplayer niche, amongst the most challenging segments of the gaming sector. Most importantly, the Company has developed a technologically innovative, reusable program platform, with asynchronous & real-time distribution abilities and the capacity to interconnect millions of users in extremely engaging interactive environments. Its proof of concept product, called Darkfall Online, is an award-winning online enormous multiplayer game of fantasy, where thousands of DFUW gold players from around the globe can interact, cooperate or compete with each other. With the Darkfall's sequel launch later this year, Aventurine will have the opportunity to develop into a prosperous franchise.

The Company also develops casual games for online & mobile use and is in the process of designing a cross-platform (online, console, mobile) social game code-named AV-1.0. Furthermore, Aventurine is poised to break into Asia by means of a co-development agreement with 1 of Korea's considerable publishing companies, ensuring that the Business's products have a steady foothold in the speedily growing Asian industries.

Aventurine's approach is to develop sizeable communities of players that share regular characteristics & interests and spend substantial time engaging in gaming activities. By means of its extended network of billing gateways with mobile network operators, InternetQ can deliver these games to millions of mobile subscribers around the world; thus benefit from the important m-commerce opportunities together with the steady subscription revenue generated by this activity.

The Directors give consideration to this investment to be in line with InternetQ's strategy, as also stated in the most recent annual report & in which the company signalled its intention to invest in expanding both content and development capabilities. In addition, the Directors think that the particular financial commitment has both compelling business and monetary rationale as Aventurine's engaging technology will also boost the value of InternetQ's existing core goods, by providing the Group with an attractive opportunity to enhance the AKAZOO mobile platform, accelerate subscription revenue growth, together with further broaden the interactive software development abilities for mobile advertising.

More particularly, the financial commitment in Aventurine will:
Broaden InternetQ's abilities to offer its AKAZOO subscribers more complete entertainment services & that's why improve engagement, further accelerating revenue growth;
Tremendously grow InternetQ's software development abilities, a key function for the continuous development of the Group's mobile engagement platforms;
Permit for the immediate distribution of games (mainly casual) to mobile subscribers, the demand of which is increasing speedily around the world;
Allow for considerable cross-sell opportunities & delivery of mobile marketing campaigns to the gaming community; and
Exploit the important m-commerce potential of games which are increasingly being delivered on mobile devices.

The expenditure in Aventurine amounts to € two.6 million and will be effected by subscription to a convertible bond problem (the "Issue"). The Issue is linked to Aventurine's efficiency and will mature in March of 2015, while InternetQ will have the option to convert the bonds into equity at any time. Assuming the conversion takes place inside seven months from the launch of Darkfall's sequel (code-named Darkfall 2.0), InternetQ will own c.40% of the Company's share capital. Following such conversion, InternetQ will also have the alternative to buy further Company shares to be able to control most its share capital.

The expenditure will be funded by InternetQ's money reserves, in line with management's commitment to invest the proceeds from the most recent secondary providing to broaden the business in what the Directors believe it will be an accretive fashion. More specifically, the investment is expected to be earnings enhancing for 2012 by way of the receipt of a 6% bond coupon and has the potential to be earnings accretive in the years to follow assuming the successful launch of Darkfall 2.0.

The Situation proceeds will be used for:
The launch of Darkfall 2.0 in the US and Europe;
The co-development of the Asian Darkfall 2.0, which is to be a zero cost-to-play version of the original Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game;
The development of premium gaming entertainment content for InternetQ's AKAZOO platform.

Konstantinos Korletis, Chief Executive of InternetQ plc, commented:

"This outlay is at the heart of our previously announced plans to develop leading edge content for the converging space of mobile marketing with social media & entertainment services, which are all directed to enhance subscription loyalty. Expanding our product portfolio and being able to both cross and up-sell services to our subscribers will be crucial for our future success. Additionally, with the productive launch of Darkfall two.0 plus the development of Aventurine's other titles, we will be in a position to drive more focused mobile marketing campaigns to an even more affluent pool of subscribers."

Panagiotis Dimitropoulos, Founder and President of InternetQ plc also commented:

"The purchase in Aventurine is a very thrilling moment for us. Combining InternetQ's leading role in mobile value added services with the innovating social entertainment experience of Aventurine, will enable us to enrich the experiences of our loyal subscriber base, further strengthen our well-established R&D abilities, & give us a powerful platform for continued expansion in the global marketplace. "

For further particulars

Konstantinos Korletis, Chief Executive Officer
Veronica Nocetti, CFO

Tel: +30 (211) 101 1101
Tel: +30 (693) 260 0128
Tel: +30 (694) 420 5275

Jeremy Garcia / Gabriella Clinkard
Tel: +44 (0)20 7466 5000

Grant Thornton Corporate Finance
Philip Secrett / David Hignell
Tel: +44 (0)20 7383 5100

RBC Capital Industries
Stephen Foss / Pierre Schreuder / Daniel Conti
Tel: +44 (0)20 7653 4000

About InternetQ plc:

InternetQ is a trusted global leader in mobile advertising & digital entertainment solutions. By way of its proprietary technology platforms, InternetQ enables mobile network operators, brands, & media businesses to conduct targeted, interactive and measurable mobile communications & pushes the frontiers in digital mobile entertainment.

InternetQ is a publicly traded company listed on the London Stock Exchange's AIM, under the symbol INTQ.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars Character resets after beta?

Sorry I saw on another post about a 2 month player gap in people who did not subscribe to beta.. Plus the important reason I haven't been playing is because I thought it would be reset. I would love to get in & know that my work won't be for naught, so if someone could clarify I would particularly appreciate it.

Thanks for the rapid reply... I guess I'll just have to grudgingly play quite a few more LoL.

It was announced to the public, that the characters will wipe before the official launch.

Yes, they're going to wipe. And I too am waiting until full release.

If you want to learn more news about Darkfall Unholy Wars gold,buy DFUW gold, pls go to dfuwgold.com.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Beta Information & Preorder


Here are the beta and preorder information for Darkfall Unholy Wars. As already known from early Friday evening allowed the Preorderauftrag ordered and the beta client over the weekend will be downloaded. What you need to download the beta, is a preorder for 14.95 (for players who have already played the old Darkfall) included here also the 30-day Games period, beta access and the opportunity to have your beta character name for the time then save . New Darkfall players "preordern" Darkfall Unholy Wars gold for 29.95.

The Beta will begin then Presumably be on Monday, so you have enough time. The beta client is fundamentally different from the client to Aventurine for the launch will provide. Until then we wish you lots of fun. We'll see you in-game.


We're currently working on putting together the beta build. The game will be running in debug mode and it's a different build from what we would have launched. We did not have this set up before since there was no plan to do a public beta before launching the game, mostly due to time constraints associated with managing this process.

There will be a beta forum. Since this was so not planned, we need to add the functionality to the new account system, we should have this in time. The only place beta discussion should take place is in the beta forum. There will be monitoring developer and interaction in this forum.

The pre-orders are planned to launch along with parts of the new website on early Friday evening. I know I said that the orders could be limited and throttled, but there's enough capacity that we can pretty much guarantee this will not happen before the beta launch on Monday, so there's no reason to rush the system account

Pre-order pricing is 14.95 for returning players, the price of the subscription. If you've ever bought Darkfall, you're eligible for this price promotion during the pre-order period Which should run until close to the game launch. New players, who have not bought the original Dark Fall, can pre-order the game for 29.95 Which represents a 25% discount.

In the registration page of the account system, there will be a checkbox where you can enter your previous account information to associate it with your current account. This will give players the option Darkfall gold returning to pre-order Darkfall Unholy Wars for the price of the subscription.

By pre-ordering you get 30 days of game time when Darkfall Unholy Wars launches. It gives you beta access. It gives you the capability to reserve your character's name. We will also look into giving a head start pre-orders for launch, but we can not commit to this yet.

That's all for now, we'll come back with more details tomorrow.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars: crafting system introduced

The developer Aventurine presented the new crafting system for their MMORPG Darkfall: Unholy Wars before in a video.

The developer Aventurine presented in a video of the new crafting system from their MMORPG Darkfall: Unholy Wars. This new crafting system will offer you 17 different crafting skills and twelve crafting masteries, with which you are able to produce powerful items. In the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game world Agon you 98 types of raw materials are available for collection, which you can then process it to 75 different materials.

The system is already quite extensive, as it has so far includes 410 recipes with which you can create 626 different items that will appear to you in the fight to be quite useful. The offer is varied so it should be here for every taste.

You are on the lookout for more news, trailers, screenshots and articles to Darkfall: Unholy Wars? Then look have a look on our topics page and stay up to date:




Thursday, February 14, 2013

Link your Darkfall and Unholy Wars accounts for discount, beta access

Got questions about linking your old Darkfall account with your spiffy new Darkfall: Unholy Wars account? Aventurine's got answers, and you'll find them in a brand new customer support video published yesterday on the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game's official web-site.

Why would you want to link your accounts? Firstly you will get the new UW client for half price ($14.95). You'll also get access to beta and the ability to reserve your character's name. You can view the video after the cut.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Aventurine confirms character wipes for Darkfall reboot

Aventurine has finally answered a couple of long-standing questions concerning its Darkfall: Unholy Wars reboot. First off, yes there will be a character wipe & no, you won't be seeing your original Darkfall avatars in the new game.

"These are different Darkfall Unholy Wars gold games plus the DFUW character procedure is incompatible with the old characters. These are two 100% distinct worlds, there's a one of a kind skill acquisition program, different capabilities, different stats, all the way down to the story-line; everything makes them incompatible," explains producer Tasos Flambouras.

Interestingly, he mentions that the old characters will be preserved in some fashion, perhaps for "Darkfall-related side-activities we are thinking about."

Finally, the Unholy Wars client will be free of charge to everyone who has ever bought the original DFUW gold game. Read more at the official Darkfall blog.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Darkfall posts a brand new preview of the Battle-Brand role

You ought to know your role in Darkfall Unholy Wars. After all, your role determines a considerable amount of what you are capable of doing at any given time, so it is pretty essential. The newest development weblog on the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game gives a preview of one of the updated re-release's new roles for the Warrior, the defensive school known as the Battle-Brand. This is not a role for going out & making people miserable; this really is a role for ruining the days of those trying to make you miserable. 

The Battle-Brand's abilities include two self-buffs to lessen magical damage taken & reflect a portion of harm taken back to the source. It also features Foebringer, an AoE pull for all nearby enemies, and Bandage, a self-healing spell to keep the Warrior up longer. Last nonetheless not least is the ultimate ability, Stoic Defense, which makes the Warrior completely immune to damage for a brief time while consuming mana & stamina. Take a check out the role's abilities in action in a preview video just past the cut. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars: Is 30 bucks worth playing the beta?

Just wondering. And can someone tell me if the game runs as smooth as WoW? I have a pretty good gaming rig and run WoW, Rift on high settings very smoothly. But games like LOTRO and SWTOR run a little choppy. I don't think its because of my pc, I think its their game engine or something.

So I'm just wondering if this game has a smooth running game engine like Rift or WoW. Because it really, really annoys me to play a choppy/stuttery game.  If any of you have played SWTOR you guys know what I'm talking about. If DFUW gold runs smooth I will pay to play beta. I like the idea of a seamless world and the sandbox.

Darkfalls beta is for polishing the game and fixing bugs so it gets ready for release.
You arent supposed to play and enjoy right now. The game runs in debug mode so  its unstable, there are bugs and they wipe when ever they feel its nessesery.
The reasons to preorder are:
1) Get access to beta in order to give feedback and help the devs fix bugs.
2) Get to know the game so you will be ready when it releases.
3) Name reservation
4) 25% discount

If it's a matter of buying the game now or then, then I would suggest now.  It comes with its headaches, but I don't usually get into beta to truly play the game.  I like it that I can get the client downloaded and get patches prior to game day when everyone is hammering their servers to get on.  Also, I like to play around with the controls a bit.  Just to get used to them, so that on game day, I'm not flapping in the wind.

If it is a matter of will I or won't I buy the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game, then definitely wait.  Beta is no time to judge a game.

As for being as smooth as WoW, I would say no.  But then again, it doesn't have the maturity that WoW does.  I will say that it does run pretty smooth, and the graphics/sound are great.   As far as style goes, I much prefer the DF look than the WoW look.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Where can i find a free MMORPG game that is like Darkfall Unholy Wars?

So people can you tell me is there a free MMORPG game like Darkfall Unholy Wars, so i can move my hero and hit enemies like in Darkfall Unholy Wars. I know for Darkfall but isnt free! So do you know some?

It won't be free, but there is a new MMO called Mortal Online that is almost exactly like Oblivion. You play in first-person, when you discover new lands you actually discover them and might be able to name them, when you kill a boss in the open with a group or by yourself it does not respawn and you can get exclusive gear from that boss. The graphics are really amazing looking too. Just thought I'd let you know even if you don't want to pay for one right now, you might want to later.

As for free Darkfall gold games, Perfect World, Two Moons or Guild Wars 2 are decent games.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars: Perma Banned For Wanting Refund

Today I was banned for requesting PayPal to seek a refund from AV on my behalf due to their product not being as advertised, as well as not having any discernable release date.  I just want ya'll to know that they will ban you if you try to get your money back in any way possible, and more than likely you will not get anything back in the end.  This is fraud in my book, and I hope that MMORPG.com and other sites cover this...I don't know where to send this information so that it gets on the front page, but it needs to be.

they can ban for whatever reason. Messing with their income is a sure way to get banned.

What did you expect them to do when you tried to reach into their pockets thru paypal and get your money back ? Be happy about it ?

you're trying to take back your money and they're trying to take back their product. Where's the fraud ?

This is normal for them.  Just make a new account  if and when you want to play the DFUW gold game.  I don't think they've ever been accused of being a good company that makes good products, so lesson learned I guess.

Yeah honestly expectations is not one of AV's strong point. Highly undependable, they created one "finished" (i guess) product that gave players quite a bit of freedom in the "conquest" area with very customizable combat. Basically a game for hardcore MMO Players to use so that they can call themselves hardcore. the only reason people signed up early for this game, is cuz they realize what a fucking grind DF 1 was and think that if they play from the beginning the game will actually be fun, and also becasue they were so butt-hurt that the game didnt release "on time" . Sadly the company planned on releasing a game that couldnt even really be considered a game so they just were like " shit were out of money......tell them we need pre orders and we will give them a beta"......planning is another one of AV's weak points. Im starting to wonder if tasos even works for AV or if he looks just through the windows and makes his own estimates about the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game. And av was just like "ehh whatever, its not like we have to pay him" and just made him the company herald. regardless, everyone knows they are going to wipe the servers before the game goes offish soo basically, dont both getting it now...they have plenty of fucking testers, we got to see all 10k of them when we logged into the game the first time....what a nightmare. Just wait till it releases, spend ur money then.

Two things, first, did you ask AV directly for a refund, if not, why not?  If you did and they refused, then fine, request a refund from PayPal.  Second, isn't this basically the same as a chargeback if you had used a creditcard?  If so, then every mmo company I am aware of would ban the account.  I mean, why wouldn't they ban the account if you want your money back for the account?  Is this about forum posting under your known name or something?  I don't even understand what the problem is really.  Even if they agreed to give you your money back, you are no longer their customer and shouldn't have access to what a customer has access to.

Recommended Reading:




Thursday, January 10, 2013

Will Darkfall Unholy Wars finally release in the year 2013?

Q: With the delays, as well as delays on telling customers of the delays, and then the sudden paid beta, which has been delayed, and the very few number of days left in 2012, I'm curious when the game will be playable by the general public.

So, when will we see Darkfall NGE?

A:Shrug, theyb still cant meet 2 deadline, actually three, with a beta deadline... Even if they got more staff, the skill doesn't seem to be there. The lack of communication is still there ect... So nothing much really changed beside the number.

I played this greenlit steam Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game the other day.  3D, actually pretty decent graphics.  Great sense of exploration, fighting to survive, great UI, better graphics than Darkfall, and interesting too.
Somehow it had 2 developers.  Brothers, even.  Two brothers made it and its metacritic average after 7 reviews is higher than ANY review for Darkfall.

I guess those two brothers had something the 55 Darkfall NGE devs didn't.  Not sure what the right word is though.  Talent?  Skill?  Competence?  Ability?

Everything oposite of what aventurine has. So turn all the negative of aventurine into positive for ten 2 brother. Seriously, even the game "Love"  which is handled by a single personne has better support then Darkfall has.

Oh well, at least the 55 Darkfall 2010 devs are getting the DFUW gold game out the door just before 2012 ends.  Well, the beta.  Hopefully.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars:Best Gold Farming Locations

Where are your favourite hunting grounds to farm gold soloing? using spells are so expensive we need to make gold faster.

I'd say 'close to where you live' and 'depending on your equipment/character advancement'.

A great way is to find a tough single mob with a quick spawn rate, have a friend with a shield and then hit the thing with a mount in the buttocks.

I almost only melee mobs (often mounted), perhaps weaken them/finish them off with an arrow or two. Its just such a money-drain to shoot hundreds of arrows at them.

You can solo earth elementals in pure melee with no mastery, they drop a 150g worth of reagents everytime and 20 crystals = 160g at vendor like half of the times. You also have thainlichs, elfshades, ravens and other midmobs that are easy to solo even using melee.

You also have the big ones which are recommendable to do only with archery, i personally know a spot where you can make about 6k PURE gold per hour, apart from reagents, enchanting mats and other equipment, LEGITLY(i only do things legitly). Of course not gonna tell you where it is :P(There's more than 1 spot where you can make this amount, but i like this one specially).

Btw, there are a lot of mobs that drop 300g, 350 and even 450g... ever tried exploring a bit? All these are soloable legitly, WITHOUT A MOUNT, if you have a bit of skill and consciousness of the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Started pre-order phase - Darkfall Online developer video for clan management in Unholy Wars

Aventurine released a new developer video that the clan management system in Darkfall Online: imagine Unholy Wars. Moreover, now the pre-order phase for Unholy Wars is started.

Aventurine released again a new video for the upcoming new version of Darkfall Online: Unholy Wars. The developers put us in a recent developer blog post before the clan system and the changes in Unholy Wars. Now we can take a look at the upcoming new features and user interface for the clan management throw.

In Darkfall Online: Unholy Wars get the clans new features and more freedom for the member organizations. By a new system of rights can be determined better and individually, which member gets the access permissions. The old ranking system in the game and is an indicator of what military PvP Rank has developed a clan member. Each new member starts as a recruit. The creation of a clan crossing costs 2000 Darkfall Unholy Wars gold.

The planned release of Darkfall Online: Unholy Wars was on 12 December 2012 postponed at short notice. Instead, now only once the pre-order phase started. Preorder allowed to participate in the beta phase, on the 17th To begin December 2012.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars:Recovering old account?

Hello, just looking for some suggestions how to restore an old account.

I quit playing around 2011, I had 2 separate Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game accounts on two e-mails. Via the recover password, it says username/e-mail does not exist. Have inactive accounts been deleted?

The only support alternative on the main page leads to a assistance forum that demands login. I developed a brand new account, although nonetheless can not log-in. No concept the best way to make a support ticket as is.

I don't mind paying the 29.95, just figure since I used to own two accounts I could save a number of income. Does the pre-order get instant beta access (as mentioned) or is it vet accounts only (as mentioned elsewhere)?

Looking forward to round 2

Friday, January 4, 2013

Developer Diary: The Clans

The basic role/function of clans in ‘Darkfall: Unholy Wars’ remains as it was in ‘Darkfall Online’. When we were looking at ways to improve the experience for clan members in the new game, several themes kept coming up; increasing the clans’ freedom to choose their own organisational structures, improving the clans’ ability to effectively manage themselves, giving clans a greater sense of ownership over the world & helping players find and engage in the clan aspects of the game.

To give clans more freedom in choosing their own internal structure, we have removed the old system of clan rank determining a member’s access to clan features, and replaced it with a new permissions based system. In the new system, permissions to access clan features are assigned to members individually, making it possible for clans to assign highly specialized roles to specific members, without them “inheriting” unrelated (and perhaps undesired) access. Permissions in the new system have been grouped by category (“Clan-Vault”, “Holdings” etc.) and each category has a “management” permission associated with it; clan members who are assigned the management permission have the ability to assign (or remove) permissions from within their own category to (or from) other clan members. This additional “tier” of the permissions system, we believe, will allow clans to distribute the tasks (and responsibilities) of managing the clan between any number of members, and enable them to create a hierarchical management structure, if they so wish.

We’ve seen several questions about this system on the forums, and I’d like to take a moment to clarify some things:

• The old clan ranks are still in-game, though we now refer to them as “military ranks”; these have no relationship with the permissions system, and must be earned through killing members of enemy clans during active conquest challenges. They serve only as an indicator of a clan member’s battle skills. Military ranks are “per-clan”, if a clan member leaves the clan, their rank is lost, and they start as a “Recruit” in the next clan they join. All clan members (founder and leader included) start at the lowest rank, and must earn their titles.

• The “founder” and “leader” of a clan have been separated out. The player who initially creates the clan is forever the “founder” of the clan, and their name will always be linked with the clan (even if they choose to leave). The “leader” of the clan (initially the “founder”) is the one and only clan member that has complete, and irrevocable, permissions within the clan, only the clan leader has the permission to assign (or remove) “management” permissions to (or from) other clan members. Clans now have the ability to change their leader, if they chose to.

• While we like the idea of letting clans choose their own names for the ranks and titles, this is not currently in development. If we can find a way to allow it while avoiding the many obvious abuses of the system, we may reconsider it again in the future.

A major obstacle to the effective management of clans was the user interface that was available in ‘Darkfall Online’. In ‘Darkfall: Unholy Wars’ a lot of time and effort has been put into ensuring that the clan management interfaces in our new user interface allow the clans administrators and members access to the information and setting that they need in a consistent, fluid and highly dynamic way. In the new user interface, changes made to the clan are immediately visible to all other clan members instantly.

To give clans a greater sense of ownership over the world, we’ve tried to bring more meaning into the territorial control systems. By linking villages to nearby clan holdings, and offering much improved rewards for village ownership, we hope to encourage clans to consolidate their power in specific areas or regions of the world, which in turn should give rise to more “border conflicts” and even tighter alliances, between neighbors. At the same time though, we realize that player villages have always been a hot-spots for PvP activities in the world, and we didn’t want to block that, so we have included the “resource stealing” mechanic for player villages. This system gives any player (clan member or not) the ability to steal the resource rewards from player villages, and means that the clans must police their villages to ensure they retain their potential rewards.

A big part of helping Darkfall Unholy Wars gold players find themselves a clan comes from the new u
ser interface, where players are able to browse through all active clans and easily view information about them. Additionally, clans can now select from a collection of “tags” that can be used to display their main activities or focus to other clans and players, allowing players to “filter” the clans based on specific tags; this system is used only for the identification and location of clans whose activities match the player’s own play-style, but if used correctly by the clans, should be a powerful tool for recruiting new members and building up their clan.

We hope these changes will bring more freedom and control to clan management, and help all players to participate in, and enjoy, the clan-based aspects of ‘Darkfall: Unholy Wars’. We look forward to your feed-back, and can’t wait to see you all in-game.