Monday, January 7, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars:Best Gold Farming Locations

Where are your favourite hunting grounds to farm gold soloing? using spells are so expensive we need to make gold faster.

I'd say 'close to where you live' and 'depending on your equipment/character advancement'.

A great way is to find a tough single mob with a quick spawn rate, have a friend with a shield and then hit the thing with a mount in the buttocks.

I almost only melee mobs (often mounted), perhaps weaken them/finish them off with an arrow or two. Its just such a money-drain to shoot hundreds of arrows at them.

You can solo earth elementals in pure melee with no mastery, they drop a 150g worth of reagents everytime and 20 crystals = 160g at vendor like half of the times. You also have thainlichs, elfshades, ravens and other midmobs that are easy to solo even using melee.

You also have the big ones which are recommendable to do only with archery, i personally know a spot where you can make about 6k PURE gold per hour, apart from reagents, enchanting mats and other equipment, LEGITLY(i only do things legitly). Of course not gonna tell you where it is :P(There's more than 1 spot where you can make this amount, but i like this one specially).

Btw, there are a lot of mobs that drop 300g, 350 and even 450g... ever tried exploring a bit? All these are soloable legitly, WITHOUT A MOUNT, if you have a bit of skill and consciousness of the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game.

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