Friday, February 22, 2013

AV makes macroing impossible for gains

Thanks to AV's new support site I can in reality give away how WITHOUT breaking the NDA!

This was originally a community notion which gained much support and momentum as it was a little resolve which made a whole lot of sense & 100% abolished macroing from the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game.

This quote is as much as I can perhaps tell you without breaking rules.
"Investing Prowess is the only method to grow your attributes, combat, and harvesting capabilities. Crafting can only be improved by making use of the skill to productively craft items."

It wont prevent anything, it just makes it a tiny more difficult. Macro's and bot's are written for just about every job in every MMO and constantly may be.

The genuine predicament has nearly always been AV's lack of action and stance towards macro's, & I dont see any of that having altered...

So as a way to cease players from gaining capabilities by macroing, they'd have to make it so that one can not harvest, craft, kill monster, complete feats, steal, or do any of those other activities by macroing. To me it looks like macroing might be even worse than before, because if there is a single activity that is macroable you'll have the ability to level all your attributes, combat skill-sets and crafting capabilities just doing that 1 activity.

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