Sunday, December 30, 2012

Darkfall: Unholy Wars - Voicing the Manifested Vision in White Shades

Darkfall is below NDA right now, so while I'm writing about it, I can't post particulars till the NDA is down. Whenever that takes place (present date I have is Dec 27th) expect either a long post, or a bunch all in rapid fashion.

Without breaking NDA, I will say that DF:UW is indeed a sequel to DF1, rather than the suspected 'large patch'. It is also already provided a single high point above something in my one month trip to 80-ending in GW2, and done more to encourage grouping than any 'fix' to the formula that Anet aimed at. Wish I may say more, but 'soon'.

I'll be deleting any comments that break NDA here, so save me the clicks and don't should you are in the beta.

Buy Darkfall Unholy Wars gold at

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