Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Darkfall Unholy Wars excepted to release next year

Originally conceived as an expansion to Aventurine's Darkfall, Darkfall: Unholy Wars has been totally redesigned as the sequel to the hardcore PvP cult-classic MMORPG. The game features full loot, clan battles, a seamless world, land and naval battles, and much more.

Darkfall Unholy Wars announced last month,the DFUW gold game scheduled for launch on November 12 will be postponed until December 12, however, official has emergency notice before the operation began that the Darkfall Unholy Wars will be delayed again,and they even not giving a detail time of release. They only said that it may be release on Jan 2013.The company spokesman Tasos Flambouras apology to players for the emergency delay,and they said that the company lack of operating experience. They delay is to offer better game experience for our players. The Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game will accepting pre-order on Dec 17th, the Professional visitors guess that two delay may because of the sales channel has occured some problems.

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