Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Darkfall delays beta as a result of loot-eating bug

When you've repeatedly delayed the launch of the new version of the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game, what's there left to do? You know you should not have asked that for the reason that now you made the Darkfall beta go back in hiding. It was just waiting for somebody foolish enough to ask that question.

While Darkfall Unholy Wars' beta was scheduled to commence today, Aventurine decided to hold back on starting it for the time being. What is the hold-up? Based on Producer Tasos Flambouras, a nasty bug's floating around that may, well, have an adverse have an effect on on gameplay: "To essentially describe the bug in question: It is a persistence bug. A few DFUW gold players, quite often, will lose all their stuff."

The team is attempting to reproduce and eliminate the bug though said that it will go ahead with the beta after a "few hours" whether or not it is identified.

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