Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween: Details of Act 4 and update

A message on the Facebook page of Guild Wars 2 and the official forums informs us that the act 4 Halloween begin October 31 to 17h, and will end on November 1st at 20h.

Act 4 begins when the only activity of Act 3, namely the Mad King's Ascension, close its doors until next year. However, the activities of acts 1 and 2 will still be available until the end of the seasonal event.

The feast planned for Act 4 will run indefinitely until the end of this year. You will not need to go to Lion's Arch at a specific time. You can celebrate whenever you want.

To conclude, an update took place early this morning. Now all doors Haunted Valley Queen of Hills and Fields Kesse Gendarran will be open until the end of Halloween, so that all gw2 gold players have access to the wonders of the Kingdom of Mad King no specific prerequisites. However, meta-events introduced in Act 2 are no longer available.

You can find the details of the Act 4 and the update on the official forums here and there, or directly as a result of this news:

Details of Phase 4 Halloween

We wish to inform you about the phase 4 Halloween. Phase 4 will begin on Wednesday, October 31 at 9 am Pacific Time (17 am Paris time), and will continue until the launch of a new version Thursday, November 1st around noon Pacific time (20 h hours of Paris).

Once Phase 4 started, Ascension to madness is no longer available, but you can always enter into the kingdom of Mad King, including the Labyrinth, the Belfry, the Clash of the mower and the Inquisition whimsical.

Do not forget to "Taking part in the festival" in Lion's Arch at the beginning of phase 4, and do not worry, this festival will continue until the end of the festivities, so you can go for a ride when you want!


Notes update 30/10/2012
Fixed an issue preventing the onset of doors in fields haunted Gendarran, Kesse Hills and the Valley of the queen. Doors haunted these cards will remain open until the end of the Halloween event to allow the entry of gw2 gold players into the realm of Mad King.

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