Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Halloween: Details of Act 4 and update
A message on the Facebook page of Guild Wars 2 and the official forums informs us that the act 4 Halloween begin October 31 to 17h, and will end on November 1st at 20h.
Act 4 begins when the only activity of Act 3, namely the Mad King's Ascension, close its doors until next year. However, the activities of acts 1 and 2 will still be available until the end of the seasonal event.
The feast planned for Act 4 will run indefinitely until the end of this year. You will not need to go to Lion's Arch at a specific time. You can celebrate whenever you want.
To conclude, an update took place early this morning. Now all doors Haunted Valley Queen of Hills and Fields Kesse Gendarran will be open until the end of Halloween, so that all gw2 gold players have access to the wonders of the Kingdom of Mad King no specific prerequisites. However, meta-events introduced in Act 2 are no longer available.
You can find the details of the Act 4 and the update on the official forums here and there, or directly as a result of this news:
Details of Phase 4 Halloween
We wish to inform you about the phase 4 Halloween. Phase 4 will begin on Wednesday, October 31 at 9 am Pacific Time (17 am Paris time), and will continue until the launch of a new version Thursday, November 1st around noon Pacific time (20 h hours of Paris).
Once Phase 4 started, Ascension to madness is no longer available, but you can always enter into the kingdom of Mad King, including the Labyrinth, the Belfry, the Clash of the mower and the Inquisition whimsical.
Do not forget to "Taking part in the festival" in Lion's Arch at the beginning of phase 4, and do not worry, this festival will continue until the end of the festivities, so you can go for a ride when you want!
Notes update 30/10/2012
Fixed an issue preventing the onset of doors in fields haunted Gendarran, Kesse Hills and the Valley of the queen. Doors haunted these cards will remain open until the end of the Halloween event to allow the entry of gw2 gold players into the realm of Mad King.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Guild Wars 2: New FoV technology in beta & updates WvW ranking
It is now possible for Guild Wars 2 to participate in a beta test of the new field of view technology, which will provide a better gaming experience on wide screen monitors. Out what you can, you will learn in this article, in which there is also the current WvW ranking!
FoV new technology in beta test
As the German Community Manager Ramon Domke announced today that gw2 gold players can now participate in a beta test of the new FoV technology. As already mentioned, this will improve the experience for widescreen monitors.
Through the test will ArenaNet collect feedback and then decide whether the technology should be made available to all players. Communicated to the most, it is necessary to activate the mechanism with the aid of a special command parameter in the link of the GW2 clients. Also exactly how it works, Domke said:
Here is a brief guide:
Creates a link to your Guild Wars 2 client (right click - "Create Shortcut">)
Right click on the link to the Guild Wars 2 Client
Click on "Properties"
Will select the "target"
It should already contain a file path to your link looks something like this: C: GamesGw2Gw2.exe
Writes end of this line the following command:-testVerticalFov
Ensures that their exe with a space between *. And test fits
The path should look like this: C: GamesGw2Gw2.exe-testVerticalFov
Please note that your file path either quotation marks or not. If it contains quotation marks, this command should be located outside the Anfürungszeichen. Something like this: "C: GamesGw2Gw2.exe" testVerticalFov
After you have added the command line parameter, click on -> OK
That's it! Goes with these new settings back into the game and let us know your feedback in this thread.
If you would like to leave that option again, simply delete the command line parameter-testVerticalFov and Starts your game. (Source)
News WvW ranking (26/10/2012)
On weekends ArenaNet's Mike Ferguson presented the official forum the latest ranking of the worlds in the World vs. World as at 26.10.2012 is available.
Who among European worlds currently has a nose ahead, you learn directly in the following statistics. If you are interested the American worlds, you will find an appropriate list in Ferguson's post on the official forums.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Guild Wars 2 in the shadow of the mad king
With "The Shadow of the insane king" appears the first major content update for Guild Wars 2 With the patch returns the Halloween event in Tyria and there are a lot of new content, such as events, mini-dungeons, and more. We already pre-take a look at some of the content and tell you what you can look forward - without too hefty spoiler, I promise.
Halloween is already in Guild Wars every year large staged and in Guild Wars 2, the event does not go unnoticed by Tyria. Halloween is in Kryta for more than 250 years old tradition. Halloween items to be constructed, erected pumpkin lanterns, candy-corn and distributed some showmen dress up as the Mad King. Allegedly knew Tree Kryta the Mad King actually. He showed up for Halloween, killed all the fun and disappeared. But one year he disappeared for ever. But that was long ago. A legend. A story for children to shudder. A mystery. Really?
In the starting areas Halloween stalls are with nice decorations. Some NPCs provide guidance to find what activities where. So you come across as the master carvers of the Order of the secret master pumpkin carvers. However, he pays little respect. But he does point out that the Order of pumpkins everywhere distributed, from which one can carve Halloween masks. If you have worked enough pumpkins, should we report back to him. The master carver then judges whether it is also a master of the art of pumpkin carving. So keep an eye out on your journeys to raw pumpkins.
Most of the Halloween activities are happening in Kryta (Königintal, Kessex Gendarran hills and fields) and in Lowenstein. Lowenstein is wonderfully decorated with pumpkins, scarecrows and straw containers. Looking up, one can catch even bats. Even the lobby is decorated in the mists of autumn, scary. Even the magic forge is jinxed and there is now a huge cauldron with a bubbling green liquid. Daring stretching can hop in Lowenstein high above a broken spiral staircase to the boiler and to jump. Try it out once and see for yourself what happens.
Moreover, in Lowenstein Event dealers are prepared to hold the special, temporary weapons like the Arachnophobia shortbow or the sign "The Crazy Moon" and Recipes (cooking and designer) ready. The cook can then make candy corn pudding, glazed cakes, spicy pumpkin cookies and more. The designer, new potions, such as a plastic spiders and mummies-potion to choose from. Halloween, the dealer can not miss: They can be recognized immediately by a Candy Corn icon over their head. The new Halloween items and recipes can be purchased from candy canes (Candy Corn) but karma and silver pieces. Sugar is obtained from the Halloween bags that drop some mobs, and from ore in Tyria. Some Erzquellen namely magically transformed into a "raw Candy Corn". These large grains of sugar can break you, which gives the time for Halloween coveted pieces of sugar and sometimes Halloween bags. So always drags with enough tools. Incidentally, in the gem shop are available new Halloween items and Halloween-inspired weapon skins.
During the weeklong Halloween events you should constantly look at the information booths and in Lowenstein over. ArenaNet prepared a lot of Halloween activities that keep new dynamic events and mini-games available. The main event will take place in four acts. The first act begins with the update. The other acts expected to follow on the 26th, 28th and 31 October 2012.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Guild Wars 2 unveils its assets at the time of the release of the expansion of world of warcraft
The latest trailer of the game massively multiplayer online (MMO) Guild Wars 2 aims to attract players by listing its assets to face competition from three illustrious representatives of the genre: World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, Star Wars: The Old Republic and The Secret World.
(Relaxnews) - The latest trailer for the game massively multiplayer online (MMO) Guild Wars 2 aims to attract gw2 gold players by listing its assets to face competition from three illustrious representatives of the genre: World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria , Star Wars: The Old Republic and The Secret World .
's major asset Guild Wars 2 is its dynamic event system, based on the trailer, which means that players will always find a new activity logging, giving rise to unique stories to share with other players around.
players can simply follow the scenario of Guild Wars 2 , but also to associate, face, or other form of armies and alliances to put to test their skills, their sense of strategy and social cohesion.
Five playable races are available at the beginning of the adventure, and each is available in eight professions, which gives a wide range of combinations for all types Player.
Given the commercial success of Guild Wars 2 , which has accumulated nearly two million buy Guild Wars 2 gold players in the two weeks following its release, August 28, we can ask the question of interest to produce a band Trailer explanatory.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Glorious! Achievement Guide – World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
The Glorious! Achievement requires players to kill 56 rare mobs spread around the continent of Pandaria. The Glorious! Achievement goes an extra mile from what players have experienced in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion (Frostbitten achievement) and the Burning Crusade expansion (Bloody Rare).
In contrast with previous expansions, these are divided by type: Pandaren, Jyniu, Mogu, Saurok, Yaungol, Hozen, and Mantid. Each type has a unique attack that causes over 50,000 damage or kills in one shot in some cases — forcing players to use their skills and to learn to move away from harm’s way. Sort of training wow gold players to survive a raid encounter, as some of these abilities are used in dungeons too.
There is a great World of Warcraft addon that helps a lot to find the rare mobs for this achievement. Download _NPCScan and its extension _NPCScan.Overlay. The first one alerts you with a loud sound that a rare NPC is near you, and displays onscreen a rotating hologram . Clicking the hologram’s name tag will auto-select the mob — allowing you to view on the mini-map the location and direction it is at.
The _NPCScan.Overlay, on the other hand, allows you to view on your map (pressing M) all the locations of each zone where you can find the rares NPCs at. This one is very useful, removing away the waste of time searching for them back and forth. You can simply go to where the colored overlay on the map is.
Sometimes the NPCs are death, or someone from the opposite faction (Alliance or Horde) is attacking it. The bad thing is that NPC_Scan marks it as found whether you killed it or someone else did. In this case, it is recommended to quit World of Warcraft. Go to the World of Warcraft folder. Open the Cache Folder. Open the WDB. Then open the enUS folder (depends what language and region you are). Delete the creaturecache.wdb file. Now launch World of Warcraft(wow gold).
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Started for Test Realm Patch 5.1: Mists of Pandaria
As previously announced, Blizzard has recently launched the Public Test Realm for Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.1 and released the first patch notes. Accordingly, the WoW gold players expect with this update some new features and events that will make the gameplay more exciting Mists of Pandaria.
Among the changes in patch 5.1 include, inter alia Pandarenkampagne, which has now officially launched. Also, the pet struggles, which enjoy a surprise since the release of Mists of Pandaria were very popular, now being revised. In addition to the work carried out by Blizzard itself quality changes to the pets, you will in the future be able to change with the help of the quality of your battle stones Kamphaus animals. All other information on patch 5.1 for Mists of Pandaria can be found in the official patch notes:
Patch 5.1.0 for World of Warcraft
The Pandarenkampagne begins!
The conflict between the Horde and Alliance brings a new set of daily quests along the coast of Krasarangwildnis with it.
Players can visit their faction bases in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, to start the quest that brings the respective navies to Pandaria. (Please note that the Alliance version of this quest is not yet complete, the new missions and functions but already unlock.)
Players will defend both the bridgehead her group bravely and attack the enemy headquarters.
Two new Ruffraktionen added: Alliance players can call in operation: get Shield Wall, Horde players at the offensive domination.
It may enemy NPCs and player characters of the opposing faction on the coast to be defeated in order to capture their marching orders, which can be spent on improvements to his own party base.
Players can capture strategic positions, including graveyards and towers. March orders may be issued to hiring guards, which help to maintain these conquests!
Players who want to use is really for their faction, can spend their captured marching orders for an item that they and their comrades paid an additional group quest for that day. Horde players will learn details of Ongrom Black Tooth and Alliance players can contact administrator Grantley.
Pet battles
A new group of articles was introduced, with which one can increase the quality of its battle Pets: Battle stones.
There are two basic types of combat stones. General struggle stones can be used to enhance all pet types. Type-specific fighting stones, however can only be used to enhance each type of a pet.
Fight stones can also have two different quality levels: Immaculate fight stones can carry pets directly to rare quality, while giving polished stones battle unusual quality.
Players will have a very small chance to get after winning a pet to fight against wild animals a flawless overall struggle stone; defeat enemies at higher levels, increases the chances of getting a stone. These valuable items are not soulbound and can be sold at the auction house.
Type-specific flawless fight stones can be found in the bag of pet supplies that are available for completing quests Pet Trainer. These are Bind on Pickup.
General polished fight stones can be purchased for 1000 Justice Points.
Wildlife leader
The quality of all pets will now display in their place in the wildlife guide.
Pets can now be filtered by name, type, rarity and level. These filter settings are retained when you close the wildlife guides and opens again.
It is now possible to look for areas in wildlife guide. For example, a search for shows "Westfall" all combat pets, which can be found in Westfall.
By right clicking on a portrait of a pet can fight it now look at wildlife guide.
Players can now have up to 650 pets.
Combat Pet tooltips now display whether you own the pet already and if so, how many of them.
The pet quality now appears in battles and portraits, names and tooltips visible.
The level of combat pets in a zone is now visible on the map. You can also the strengths of wild animals in comparison to his own team at a glance.
Pets in the back row now display the active debuffs on them and their remaining duration.
The experience multiplier for all seven Großmeistertierzähmern in Pandaria was increased to 5x (previously 3.5x).
The experience multiplier for victories over the pet trainer Julia Stevens, MacDonald, and Zunta Dagra the Grim was reduced to 2.5 x (previously 3.5x).
It macros have been added, making it possible to summon pets random and random pet favorites.
The success of "The Taming of the world" now grants the safari, the increases obtained by Pet fighting experience by 10%.
The success of "I choose you" has been added for defeating Grand Master Aki. The reward for this success is 3000 gold.
A new Meistertierzähmer has been added to the Darkmoon Faire offers daily quests. When completing quests for the new coach has a chance to get a new pet: the Darkmoon eye.
Two new combat pets now roam the Darkmoon Island and just waiting to be caught.
A bug has been fixed, which joined with the gazelles pet battles.
User interface
A new notification appears when the player's character is affected by a loss of control effect. The effect that has caused the loss of control, and his remaining time is displayed. Configuration options can be found in the section "fight" in the options menu "Interface".
The mount section of the equestrian and pet window has been added a search box.
The equestrian and pet window now remembers which section was last used.
The battle Guild
Secret campaign events have turned up in the underworld of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, promising fighters a chance to prove their skills by measuring their lone skills against some of the toughest creatures in World of Warcraft.
wow gold players will be able to put their skills and increase their rank in the guild battle by fighting against some of the toughest opponents of Azeroth.
With increasing rank in the guild battle extra rewards and activities within the guild battle will be unlocked.
Fighters from one realm will gather at the bloody ring to to sympathize with the struggles of their counterparties. You can watch the ongoing struggles and hard-bitten veterans of the battle guild learn while they are waiting, they are even in the series.
Who's new in the guild battle you have to fight.
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