just be simple
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Darkfall Unholy Wars finally launched yesterday
The subsequent iteration of Darkfall is underway! Aventurine today announced that Darkfalls Unholy Wars has finally released after a number of delays along with a lengthy beta. The sandbox MMO is a complete revamp of the original Darkfall with quite a few new features, & it demands the purchase of a client plus a subscription fee to play.
Aventurine General Manager Tasos Flambouras seems relieved to have reached this stage: "After 5 months of beta we are pleased to launch Darkfall Unholy Wars. We are thankful to our playtesters for their contribution to the game & we're happy to have them with us as players today. Darkfall Unholy Wars is the correct combat MMORPG experience & our pledge is that it will continue improving & pushing the PvP envelope."
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Sunday, April 14, 2013
See you in Darkfall Unholy Wars tomorrow
From the official news, Darkfall Unholy Wars is looking forward to being released tomorrow. And the entire beta has ended after several tests, looking forward to launching on Tuesday. See you in-game.
Order some Darkfall Unholy Wars gold to prepare for the coming game and improve your equipment soon.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
New features of Darkfall Unholy Wars are revealed
Aventurine has revealed particulars for two significant new features of Darkfall Unholy Wars. These features involve the new Darkfall Unholy Wars character progression approach and salvaging skill.
The new character progression strategy for Darkfall Unholy Wars is determined by Prowess Points. A Darkfall Unholy Wars gold player's Prowess is a representation of their accumulated experiences, victories and achievements. Most interactions with the world reward players with Prowess. Harvesting, crafting, killing monsters, completing feats, participating in capturing villages, & numerous other activities, reward players with prowess point.
Spending Prowess is the only way for players to enhance their attributes, combat, and harvesting skills.
This new procedure is useful for the reason that it rewards players for playing the game, rather than "grinding" repetitive activities, & it is a result of player feedback and Aventurine developer interaction with the beta testers.
Salvaging skill is basically the reverse of the crafting abilities; it takes a crafted item and breaks it down to the raw materials used in its construction. Salvaging is classified as 1 of the crafting skills. Salvaging is also a long-time Darkfall gold player request and it was completely implemented during the beta process.
Read More Here:
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Darkfall Unholy Wars update patch for April 9th
Darkfall Unholy Wars is going to have a patch, and at this patch, feedback from the testers during the beta period will be taken into consideration.
The goal of this patch is to make the Darkfall Unholy Wars game more fun to play, especially at close range.
They have substantially reduced the cost of several warrior skills, as well as reduced some casting times to make affected skills more reactionary, while re-balancing their cool-downs.
And the philosophy of some movement skills also is changed. Stampede is now intended to be used as more of an approach to melee range skill. Then a charge and knock-back one. Dash was modified accordingly.
As the warrior was giving a boost so that some changes need to be made to other roles in order to maintain balance.
The Elementalist has received a buff in the DPS output, by reducing casting times, costs and, in some cases, cool-downs A bigger change was made to Static Field, making it a more important skill, and worthy of its Ultimate title. Lesser modifications were made to the skirmisher, as it has turned to be a very good long range DPS role, and specifically to Dash duration, Heightened Reflexes, as well as some other skills.
Primalists have been also boosted accordingly.
Finally, all roles will receive a small buff in their vital stat pools, and also expect a buff in the Transfer spells.
What do you think of this, do you want to have a look at the game at once? Then keep focus on DFUW gold, once the game open, we will tell you immediately.
Monday, April 8, 2013
With dungeons being added sometime after launch...
Are you going to have a test server for players to test them? Otherwise dependent upon the past 2 missed launch dates that implies if they are not tested & you put them in we all know what will happen. They will be exploited thanks to no testing plus the clans lucky adequate to find the exploit first will put them on lockdown...
How about we just go with it and see what occurs. It is what AV intends to do, they're the devs & they will bear the consequences of launch.
Equally, we the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold players ought to attempt to keep away from negativity in the coming weeks. We know it is gonna be a bumpy ride but try not to let your rage make it any bumpier.
I, for one, want this game to be a accurate success.
I don't think "asking tough questions" at this late stage is going to make any difference to the decision by AV to bring in dungeons after launch. These sorts of post just come across as whiney.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Darkfall Unholy Wars: Patch Notes April 5 - Beta
Since the NDA is off, I'm crossposting patch notes here. This was a darkfall unholy wars gold patch to mainly address the crosshair wobble system we were using so far. After tester feedback on how this wasn't working for them, we redesigned the functionality and implemented it.
Changes / Additions:
Update: We've added a "Sell 10 Wood to Vendor" feat, that rewards you with 50.000 Prowess Points, for testing end-game PvP.
A new crosshair wobble system is now in place. The longer you hold your arrow or spell, the more accuracy you gain. Skirmishers have an accuracy bonus (shorter time required to full accuracy) when using their bows, while Elementalists and Primalists have the same bonus when using their staves.
Teleport skills (House recall, Bindstone Recall, Runestone using, Summon friend) are no longer available while in a dungeon.
Changed the HUD fadeout to only fadeout the target-related visual components
Reduced the radius of the safe areas.
Added a visual indicator in the map for the safe areas that can be toggled on/off from the map filters.
Changed it so when a player successfully salvages an item, the resources they receive will be added to their inventory in the same location/bag that the salvaged item was removed from; be it the inventory root, a bag, a “salvage bag” or a bag within a “salvage bag”
New sounds for casting Deadeye school abilities.
New sounds for dfuw gold Player Weapons Sheathe/Unsheathe
New sounds for Primalist Spells
New sounds for On Screen Messaging
New Earthquake Monster Spell
Changed descriptions of Spirit Bond and Wall of righteous force
Changed description of treasure maps
Changed descriptions of all attributes
Fix for a bug where player animation stuck to "falling" if using evade skill right after another skill is performed.
Fix for a bug that would cause some monsters not to use their secondary attack animation.
Fix for a bug that would not play some sounds in the starting tutorial inside the dragon cave.
Fix for Consecrate animations not displaying correctly
Fix for animation de-sync when spamming the attack button.
Fix for players glitching when frame rate drops suddenly
Fix for observers not being able to see the correct animations of rune stone recall, while the player is trading.
Fix for a bug that made the player appear to slide after getting up from resting.
Fixes for player idle animations.
Fixed a bug where you could attain any “Craft 500 primalist robes” feat from any tier with only crafting 100.
Fix the “Harvest one of each Essences” feat
Fixed the “Craft a full Elegant Elementalist robes set” feat
Fixed a bug where Primalist robe crafting feats would be unlocked before they should.
Fixed Giants feat to take into account Ogres
Fix for default attacks not executed when having low stats
Players can open bags in trade window and scroll through it
Fixed a bug where the SFX of house recall skill would not stop if the skill was canceled
Fixed a bug where idle animation would play on character creator screen
Fixed client crash when a salvageable item is dragged to the left-menu bar
Fix for clan overview window not auto-refreshing when an issued/received mercenary contract is rejected/withdrawn
Fix for mercenary contract create window not showing any entries in the clan list (for counter-offer contracts)
Fix for pending mercenary contracts not being auto-expired when the clan joins the attackers side of the challenge
Fix for non-functional "cancel clan leave" option being visible for all clan members that viewed a leaving clan member's clan member overview window
Removed some on-screen notifications that were being obscured by the new on-screen animation special-effects (for conquests)
Fixed a bug where lines representing clan relations did not appear on the map
Fixed a bug where the “split item” window remained open after leaving gui mode.
Fix for client crash when an item is dragged past the crafting window and onto the left menu-bar
Fix for salvaging queue stopping performing when an item from a bag nested within the salvage bag is removed, and the bag is updated
Fix for salvaged broken items always being taken from the 1st stack encountered in the inventory, not necessarily the stack that was added to the salvaging queue
Fix for the possibility that multiple siege-stones can be spawned at the same location, by multiple players concurrently spamming the siege-stone item
Fix for the "minimum distance from other siege-stones" check passing, when the other siege-stone is spawning (and it's "position" is below ground)
Visual Changes:
Godrays were added as new visual effect. They can be toogled on/off from the Video Options Menu.
Dragon Armor has been visually updated.
Visual Changes to the Player, Monster, Fire Dragon and Ice Dragon tombstones and addition of a new loot-able effect
Visual and Level Improvements for the spawn points in Idawoll, Firun and Nerzok
Updated liquid surfaces (acid)
Various other visual optimizations
Starting Experience:
Changed some tooltips in the character creation screen.
The number of mobs on the tutorial area has been reduced, while at the same time it has been made easier for brand new players to progress through it.
Monday, February 25, 2013
AV makes macroing impossible for gains
And thanks to AV's new support site I can almost give away how WITHOUT breaking the NDA!
This was originally a community concept which gained much support & momentum as it was a small resolve which made a considerable amount of sense and completely abolished macroing from the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game.
This quote is as much as I can possibly tell you without breaking rules.
"Spending Prowess is the only method to improve your attributes, combat, and harvesting abilities. Crafting can only be improved by making use of the skill to effectively craft items."
So your claiming there wont be any more 24/7 macroing exploited mobs? & just how will they prosper doing that when no other DFUW gold game managed it?
Dont get me misguided, i would welcome this although i doubt they'll manage to essentially cease macroers/exploiters.
And for what i heard Aventurine already claimed they will allow macroing in DFUW? A modify of policy?
It wont prevent anything, it just makes it a little more difficult. Macro's and bot's are written for just about every process in every MMO and in the main may be.
The real scenario has at all times been AV's lack of action & stance towards macro's, and I dont see any of that having transformed...
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